Windows Update–Install Baloon not displayed

By Andrei Ungureanu - Last updated: Monday, March 26, 2012 - Save & Share - 2 Comments

Stiu ca WSUS-ul nu e cea mai fiabila metoda de a instala update-urile dar cateodata nu avem de ales.

Recent am dat de un server pe care dupa ce am downloadat manual update-urile de la WSUS nu a mai aparut balonul ce imi permitea sa le instalez. Am incercat restart de servicii, chiar de server, /detectnow etc. insa fara success.

Solutia a fost exact cea descrisa aici:

Stop the Windows update service from the command prompt with
Run REGEDIT and navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update
Delete the BalloonTime and BalloonType values, or if you want to keep
a record of them, rename them to BalloonTimeX and BalloonTypeX.
The BalloonTime seems to be stored in GMT.
Note that the dates below are in international format
YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss with a 24 hour clock.
Set DownloadExpirationTime (if present) to a date in the past.
Set NextDetectionTime to a minute or two in the future.
As far as I can tell, this value is in local time and not GMT.
Restart the Windows update service from the command prompt with

Setand DownloadExpirationTime in trecut si NextDetectionTime in viitor a rezolvat problema.


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2 Responses to “Windows Update–Install Baloon not displayed”

Comment from Vitalie Ciobanu
Time March 27, 2012 at 11:57 am

Am avut si eu de cateva ori aceeasi problema pe niste servere. De fiecare data insa, s-a rezolvat cu un restart la server. Noroc ca eram in fereastra de mentenanta 🙂

Totusi, in ultimele doua cazuri am observat ceva. Problema aparea doar pe serverele pe care erau sesiuni “Disconnected”.

Comment from Andrei Ungureanu
Time March 27, 2012 at 12:01 pm

Exact, sesiunile disconnected creaza probleme. Banuiesc ca promptul de a instala updateurile este trimis catre o sesiune disconnected.
Doar ca in cazul meu nici macar reboot-ul nu a mai rezolvat problema.

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