The Six-Step Problem Solving Model

By Andrei Ungureanu - Last updated: Thursday, May 16, 2013 - Save & Share - One Comment

Cine ma cunoaste stie ca sunt un mare fan al rezolvarii problemelor urmarind un model bine pus la punct. Si sunt de parere ca in zona de troubleshooting/debugging nu esti eficient daca nu urmaresti un model.

Iar cel mai bun model pe care il am acum la indemana este unul dintr-o carte scrisa acum 20 de ani si care nu trebuie sa va lipseasca din arsenal: Step-By-Step Problem Solving: A Practical Guide to Ensure Problems Get (And Stay) Solved by Richard Y. Chang and P. Keith Kelly.


1. Define the problem – Write a concise statement of the existing problem then briefly summarize where you want to be after the problem has been solved.

2. Analyze potential causes – Identify the potential causes and determine the most likely root cause(s) of the problem.

3. Identify possible solutions – Without evaluating effectiveness, make a long list of possible solutions to the problem; then narrow the list down to a handful of potential solutions.

4. Select the best solution – Evaluate possible solutions by rating each agains three to six criteria. Choose the best group!

5. Develop an action plan – An action plan is the blueprint for implementing your solutions. It allows you to divide your solutions into logical steps and plan who will do what, by when, and how.

6. Implement solution and evaluate progress.

Daca sunteti curiosi si o sa mai cautati pe internet o sa mai gasiti variatuni de la acest model insa foarte mici. Trebuie sa retineti ca este foarte important ca pasii de mai sus sa fie urmati in ordine iar cel mai important pas este cel de la inceput – Define the problem. Daca nu reusiti sa definiti sau sa identificati adevarata problema atunci probabil ca veti investiga cu totul altceva iar rezultatul final nu va fi cel dorit.

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One Response to “The Six-Step Problem Solving Model”

Comment from mike
Time May 16, 2013 at 9:37 am

Pacat ca in multe companii nu se respecta ordinea asta si nu te lasa sa o respecti.

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