Server Manager error 0x800F0818

By Vitalie Ciobanu - Last updated: Friday, August 5, 2011 - Save & Share - One Comment

Am o problema cu un server si anume primesc o eroare cand deschid Roles sau Features in Server manager. Din ce am aflat, eroarea este cauzata de lipsa unor update-uri sau fisiere lipsa ale unui update.

In mod normal, eroarea (Unexpected error refreshing Server Manager: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800F0818) se rezolva in felul urmator:

Detalii despre cum lucreaza CheckSUR gasiti aici

Tot aici gasiti si urmatorul detaliu, care se aplica in cazul meu πŸ™‚

If you’re still having issues afterwards, that just means that something else is going on with the system that is going to require more than CheckSUR can accomplish. Typically, this is true corruption and it may be unrecoverable“. Ultima propozitie imi place cel mai mult πŸ˜€ Microsoft, ce pot sa zic…

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One Response to “Server Manager error 0x800F0818”

Comment from Bogdan
Time August 5, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Da, si eu m-am lovit mai demult de problema asta si am gasit aici rezolvarea:

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